Dealing with Emotions
Dealing with Post-Abortion Emotions

Why is this happening?
Now, fast forward with me to the present again. One thing you must come to understand about “feelings” is this:
When any feelings are buried, they are buried alive. The hope in all of us is that we can bury unwanted feelings dead, but this is never the case. If they are not dealt with, if a crisis is rushed through, or if you ignore your conscience these feelings will be buried alive within and, in time, will emerge in some way, shape or form in your life.

Buried feelings may emerge….
So… what? Will this merry-go-round of eruptions ever stop?
Yes, they will, but time alone will not stop them. You must be an active partner in your post-abortion healing process. Just reading about post-abortion stress syndrome will not help. You may gain in understanding, but your life will remain troubled. You must take the lead and work through it. There is no pain-free way of working through any troubled times in anyone’s life, but healing and wholeness are just beyond the pain. Trust me.

Where do you start?
So, notebook in hand, let’s begin.
1. List all your feelings that are emerging.
2. Describe your dreams as you remember them.
3. Answer the question: “What is the worst thing for you right now?”
The following pages may be helpful:
They list the stages of grief and the process of resolving that grief. Keep your notebook in hand as you look at it and take notes about anything with which you might identify.